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Judith Herb College of Education Alumni Affiliate Panel Discussion on the Importance of Mental Health for Educators

The Judith Herb College of Education Alumni Affiliate held a panel discussion focusing on the importance of the mental health of our educators.

The panelists included: 

  • Dr. Sammy Spann '09, associate vice president for student affairs and dean of students at UToledo. He is also the Judith Herb College of Education 2020 Distinguished Alumni Award recipient.
  • Dr. Lisa Pescara-Kovach '90, '94, '97, associate professor of educational psychology at UToledo. She also serves as the director for the Center for Education in Mass Violence and Suicide and chair of The University of Toledo Mass Violence Collaborative.
  • Rochelle Ford '03, '09, a counselor at Timberstone Junior High School in the Sylvania Schools District.

The panelists answered questions focusing on the importance of mental health and how to practice coping strategies. Dr. Ray Witte, dean of the Judith Herb College of Education, moderated the discussion.

Last Updated: 4/28/23